Phytoclimatic Stages and Vegetation in Baden - Württemberg and Emilia - Romagna
Germany, Italy, climate classification, ecological regionalization, landscape ecology, GIS mappingAbstract
The assessment of ecosystems and landscapes requires reliable and simple tools. Climate determines broad type and distribution of ecosystems. Therefore, it is a major factor to consider in environmental analysis and ecological regionalization. A standardized bioclimatic classification would be useful to characterize and compare different ecosystems. In this paper, Defaut’s Phytoclimatic System (DSPS) was tested at regional scale in two European areas: Baden-Württemberg (Germany) and Emilia-Romagna (Italy). DSPS phytoclimatic units and vegetation belts and climatic parameters are illustrated and discussed. In addition, as an example application, a map of phytoclimatic units of Emilia-Romagna is designed. Some challenges in matching vegetation to DSPS were found: 1) in areas where transition from one stage to another are not sharply delineated and different vegetation types are intermixed; 2) in alluvial lowlands; 3) in heavily anthropized areas. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that DSPS can be a useful tool in ecological regionalization and in landscape analysis.
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