Review Process

Double blind peer review

To meet scientific standard all articles need to undergo a double-blind peer-review process. In a first step, all submitted manuscripts need to undergo a plagiarism check based on Crossref Similarity Check powered by iThenticate. In the next step, to save reviewers time, all submitted manuscripts are assessed by the editors together with the editorial board for suitability for the review process. If a manuscript do not comply with the journals standard they might get rejected before a formal reviewer process. According to the topic two reviewers with expertise in the file of concern will be invited on advice of the editorial board members. Reviewers only get access if they accept an invitation. Along with the manuscript the names of authors are not concealed to the reviewers. Reviewers should treat the review process confidentially and must not disclose any details to anyone not directly involved in the review process. Reviewers may consult colleagues within the institute, but need to identify them to the editors. If experts from outside the reviewer's institute are consulted, reviewers need to check with the editors beforehand to avoid involving anyone who may have been excluded by the editor. Both reviewers have to assess the quality of the manuscript in accordance to the review report form provided. Based on the review reports, the editors together with the editorial board members decide to: accept the manuscript (without or with minor revision), invite the authors to resubmit manuscript after adressing major concerns of complete revision or to reject manuscript due to substantial deficits. 

Acceptance Rate

The average acceptance rate of manuscript submissions in Landscape Online is about 37% - 42 accepted articles by a total of 114 received manuscripts (5 years period: 2016-2021).

The reviewer's role

Peer reviewers help to ensure the integrity of the scholarly record. The reviewer reports are for two purposes: a) to provide editors with information they need to reach a decision, b) to instruct the authors on how manuscript can be to enhanced and strengthened for publication. Therefore, reviewers submit both confidential comments to the editor and those to be considered for the authors. Reviewers will be guided with the help of an evaluation form provided. For detailed information we refer to the Ethical Guidelines for peer reviewers as provided by COPE.

Review tandem

We encourage 'review tandems', in which senior researchers collaboratively elaborate the review with junior members of their research unit. We believe that this is a valuable training for young scholars to gain first experience as reviewer and to learn about manuscript quality standards from the reviewers perspective to enhance own writing skills. Still, we advise you as a senior researcher to look over the comments and approve them before they are submitted. Furthermore, we ask to give credit to the editors on who contributed to the review. If you are interested in offering such a review tandem in your research unit please contact the Editorial Management.

Reviewer Credits

Because Landscape Online is registered at Publons you can use your Publons account to give you the option to receive official credit for your review on Web of Science. Simply forward your "thank you review manuscript" Email you get and forward it to

We acknowledge the reviewers of each year annually in the IALE Bulletin and the publishers newsletter of IALE-D as well as at the journals webpage. 

Reviewer appreciation

We would like to thank all reviewers contributing their expertise to the peer review of manuscripts. We give a sincere thank to all reviewers since the launch of the journal for making Landscape Online possible and to ensure it's quality:

Achim Daschkeit, Adriana Galvani, Agata Cieszewska, Agnieszka Latocha, Agnieszka Latocha-Wites, Agnieszka Nowak-Olejnik, Agnieszka Ważna, Ahmad Hami, Ahmad Hamidov, Alan Andersen, Alejandro Rescia, Alessandro Gretter, Alessandro Rigolon, Alexandra Dulic, Alicia Coleman, Alina Alvarez Larrain, Alina Pancewicz, Allessandor Ossola, Amit Kumat Batar, Ana Isabel Queiroz, Ana Paula Turetta, Ancuta Fedorca, Anders Bryn, Anders Lundberg, András Jung, Andreas Calvo, Andres Caballero, Andrew Hudak, Andrzej Affek, Angela Lausch, Ângela Lomba, Anna Długozima, Annika Hofgaard, Antonia Pfeiffer, Antonio Santoro, Astrid Moser, Athanasios Gavrilidis, Aude Zingraff-Hamed, Audrey Mayer, Bahareh Motamed, Barbara Natalia Sowińska-Świerkosz, Ben Hoffmann, Benjamin Burkhard, Bernd Diekkrüger, Bettina Ohneseorg, Biancamaria Torquati, Brian Rotich, Broder Breckling, Camila Gomes Sant' Anna, Carlos Rivas, Carmen Galán, Carolin Galler, Caroline Sullivan, Carsten Lorz, Carsten Paul, Chiara Paffarini, Chloe Bellamy, Chris Green, Christa Hainz-Renetzeder, Christian Albert, Christian Bockstaler, Christine Estreguil, Christine Fürst, Christine Haaland, Christine Mott, Christof Schenck, Christopher A. Lepczyk, Claudia Bernasconi, Claudio Almeida, Cristian Echeverria, Dagmar Haase, Daniel Alejandro Rozas-Vásquez, Daniele Torreggiani, Daud Rafiqpoor, Davi R. Butler, David Bowman, David Peters, Davina Vačkářová, Debajit Datta, Denis Byrne, Diana Tomback, Didit Okta Pribadi, Diedrich Bruns, Diego Anjos, Donald R. Hodel, Douglas Spieles, Eduardo Oliveira, Elena Lucchi, Elizabeth Hane, Emilio Padoa-Schioppa, Emily Bank, Emily Iskin, Enrica Garau, Enrico Borgogno-Mondino, Eric Guilbert, Erich Tasser, Fabian Meyer-Heß, Fábio Albuquerque, Fabio Santeramo, Fabrizio Frascaroli, Fahed Al-Mana, Fatmir Guri, Felix Herzog, Felix Müller, Fernando Becker, Florian Danzinger, Folkert de Jong, Frank Sleegers, Friedrich-Karl Holtmeier, Gabor L Lovei, Gabriele Broll, Gerd Lupp, Gerhard Overbeck, Giacomo Peruzzi, Giovanni Sanesi, Giovanni Zurlini, Giuseppe Pulighe, Gowhar Meraj, Graham Fairclough, Graham Smith, Gunawan Prayitno, Günter Schönfelder, Hammad Gilani, Hana Skokanova, Hana Vavrouchová, Hannes Palang, Hans Knapp, Hartmut Rein, Heera Lee, Helen Soovali, Helena Nordh, Helle Skånes, Henriette John, Hermann Klug, Hermann Lenhart, Himlal Baral, Hubert Wiggering, Ian Mell , Ian Rotherham, Ingo Hahn, Ioan-Cristian Iojă, Irena Niedźwiecka-Filipiak, Irene Petrosillo, Iris Schröter, Iryna Dronova, Iwona Cieślak, Jacek Kozak, Jan Barkmann, Jan Thiele, Janez Pirnat, Janina Kleemann, Janine Bolliger, Janusz Słodczyk, Jennifer Hauck, Jerzy Solon, Jesper Brandt, Jesse Caputo, Jesse Rieb, Jiaxiu Cai, Jingsen Lian, Jiří Kupka, Jirka Panek, Jo Russell-Clarke, Joachim Maes, Jochen Jäger, Johanna Schumacher, Johannes Hermes, John R. Taylor, John Thomlinson, Jonatan Arias García, Jörg Löffler, Jorge Aubad Echeverri, José Daniel Anadón, José Gómez Zotano, José Muñoz-Rojas, Judith Springer, Jürgen Breuste, Justus van Beusekom, Justyna Kleszcz, Kakhramon Mamasalievich Djumaboev, Karl Ludwig, Karl Mannsfeld, Katharina Diehl, Kathrin Specht, Kerstin Anschlag, Kevin Thellmann, Khairullah Moussa Awad Al-Jabary, Kinga Öllerer, Kitti Biró-Varga, Klara Winkler, Klaus Müller, Klaus Müller-Hohenstein, Krystian Puzdrakiewicz, Krzysztof Rostański, Kurt Beil, Kurt Riitters, Larry Hanks, Laura Stratopoulus, Leif Kullman, Leila Mahmoudi Farahani, Leonie Fischer, Liam Crowther, Lorena Muñoz, Luca Battisti, Lucian Dragut, Ludwig Braun, Łukasz Moszkowicz, Lutfi I. Al Juhany, Maciej Zalewski, Magdalene Langset, Maja Тодоровић Izquierdo, Mara Chen, Marc Metzger, Marco Neubert, Margareta Ihse, Maria Beatrice Andreucci, Maria Busse, María García-Martín, Maria Ignatieva, Maria Zachwatowicz, Marion Jay, Marion Kruse, Markus Dotterweich, Markus Reinke, Marlene Roellig, Martin Maier, Martin Sauerwein, Martina van Lierop, Maryam Naghibi, Maryam Pourzakarya, Maryam Saffariha, Matt Bekker, Matthias Pietsch, Meike Weltin, Michael Förster, Michał Sobala, Michiel Verhofstad, Miguel Carrero-Pazos, Mihai Sorin Stupariu, Minna Kaljonen, Mohammed Rahmann, Mona Hess, Moritz Gubler, Morten Skogen, Muhammad Faiz Barchia, Muriel Tichit, Nadja Kabisch, Nasim Yazdani, Natalia Borowiec, Nazir Hussain, Nelly Rodriguez Erazo, Neville Crossmann, Nicole Bauer, Nidhi Nagabhatla, Niina Käyhkö, Nils Hein, Nin Gu, Nina Morris, Nina N. Kaiser, Noriko Akita, Olaf Bastian, Olaf Kühne, Olaf Schroth, Ole Rößler, Olga Druzhinina, Olga Vigiak, Olivia Guadalupe Millán Aguilar, Oxana Klimanova, Paola Gullino, Patrik Olsson, Peder Agger, Peter Brimblecombe, Philip James, Philip Lynch, Rajiv Pandey, Ralf-Uwe Syrbe, Ramesh Raj Pant, Richard Axelby, Richard Coles, Rico Hübner, Rieke Hansen, Rita Basi, Riyadh Mundher, Robert Brears, Roberta Bottarin, Robin Matthews, Rodolfo Jaffé Calvo, Roman Lenz, Rosalia Filippini, Rudi van Etteger, Sandrine Petit, Sara Mahdizadeh, Sebastian Bernat, Sebastian Hoechstetter, Sebastian Klimek, Simon Bell, Simona R. Grădinaru, Sreetheran Maruthaveeran, Stefan Heiland, Stefan Schindler, Stefan Zerbe, Stefanie Rößler, Steffen Nijhuis, Stephan Dabbert, Stevanka Hadci Pekova, Stoyan Nedkov, Susan Aragón, Susan Barton, Susanne Frank, Sven Jelaska, Sven-Erik Rabe, Swanni Alvarado, Sylvie Campagne, Teppo Hujala, Thomas Blaschke, Thomas Claßen, Thomas Kirchhoff, Thomas Schatz, Thomas Schmidt, Thomas Wrbka, Tibor Hartel, Tobias Silva, Tomáš Měkota, Toon Spanhove, Tuhin Kumar Das, Ulrich Deil, Ulrich Sukopp, Ulrich Walz, Ulrike Faude, Uta Schirpke, Uta Steinhardt, Ute Wardenga, Vanessa Burton, Varun Narayan Mishra, Vasilos Papanastasis, Veerle van Eetvelde, Verena Cordlandwehr, Veronkia Fontana, Victoria Junquera, Wei Hou, Wenche Dramstad, Werner Konold, Werner Rolf, William Hohman, Winfried Schenk, Wolfgang Haber, Yolanda Jiménez Olivencia, Yuyang Peng

(last update Feb. 2025)