Review of Polish practices used in landscape assessment in the environmental impact assessment with a recommended procedure


  • Ewa Bobrowska Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture, Wroclaw; Poland
  • Katarzyna Tokarczyk-Dorociak Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture, Wroclaw; Poland
  • Boris Stemmer University of Applied Sciences and Art, Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Germany
  • Franziska Bernstein University of Applied Sciences and Art, Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Germany
  • Jan Kazak Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Institute of Spatial Management, Wroclaw; Poland



landscape impact assessment, environmental impact assessment, landscape protection, visual assessment


The landscape impact assessment of planned developments is an important tool that supports landscape protection. As part of the analysis, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports were reviewed in terms of the methods of landscape impact assessment (LIA) and landscape visual impact assessment (LVIA). The study was conducted in two stages, which made it possible to compare analyses prepared in Poland in 2004-2017 and 2018-2022. The conclusions of the review, supported by our scientific and practical experience, were the basis for developing a diagram for preparing landscape impact assessments. Considering the specificity of the given location and the type of the planned development, we recommend taking a reliable inventory and conducting a valuation of the landscape and creating alternatives of possible changes caused by anthropogenic interference and assess them in terms of landscape consistency.

Author Biographies

Ewa Bobrowska, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture, Wroclaw; Poland

Ewa Bobrowska is a graduate of landscape architecture, currently a specialist designer in a design and construction company. She completed an internship under the DBU program at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Ostwestfalen-Lippe, the subject of which was: Development of tools supporting management and landscape protection. She has experience in projects and environmental impact assessments.

Katarzyna Tokarczyk-Dorociak, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture, Wroclaw; Poland

Researcher at the Department of Landscape Architecture at the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, PhD in environmental engineering, conducts research on the effectiveness of EIA and SEA.  She has professional experience in environmental impact assessments.

Boris Stemmer, University of Applied Sciences and Art, Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Germany

Boris Stemmer is a Full Professor and chair of Landscape and Recreation Planning at University of Applied Sciences and Art Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Germany. He earned his PhD with a thesis on landscape assessment methods in Germany. Current research interests are participatory planning methods especially for renewable energies as well as landscape as a resource of wellbeing and recreation. To Date he is working on several research project for the BfN (Federal Agency for Nature Conservation) in Germany including projects on Scenarios of renewable energy development in Germany as well as on Green-Infrastructure on the regional planning level.

Franziska Bernstein, University of Applied Sciences and Art, Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Germany

Franziska Bernstein is a research associate at the Department of Landscape and Recreation Planning at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Ostwestfalen-Lippe. At the moment her research interests focus on green infrastructure and the expansion of renewable energies from a nature conservation perspective.

Jan Kazak, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Institute of Spatial Management, Wroclaw; Poland

Jan K. Kazak – associate professor at the Institute of Spatial Management at the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences; leader of the Research Group: Sustainable Cities and Regions.


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How to Cite

Bobrowska, E., Tokarczyk-Dorociak, K., Stemmer, B., Bernstein, F., & Kazak, J. (2023). Review of Polish practices used in landscape assessment in the environmental impact assessment with a recommended procedure. Landscape Online, 98, 1117.



Research Article