The concept of the terrestrial–subaqueous topographical and lithological continuum: a case study of the Lake Gopło region (north-central Poland)
lake basin, subaqueous topography, subaqueous lithology, landscape evolution, lake district, PolandAbstract
The research objective is to produce thematic maps of the continuum of terrestrial and subaqueous terrain and surface lithology of the Lake Gopło region. The maps were based on the results of geomorphological and geological mapping in the vicinity of Lake Gopło and a reconnaissance of the shape and sediments of the lake basin and the morphology of the basins of other large lakes in its vicinity. A geomorphological classification of subaqueous landforms was carried out and, in the case of Lake Gopło, a lithological classification of its bottom sediments was also conducted. According to the authors, the features of the subaqueous relief and lithology of lake sediments should, depending on the degree to which they have been identified, be included in studies and legends of largeand medium-scale geomorphological and geological/lithological maps. This would significantly enrich their content and could be used to draw detailed conclusions as to the genesis and evolution of the landscape and its geodiversity.
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